Filtration Solutions for Disinfectants
According to the new GMP requirements, the disinfectant used in grade A and B Cleanrooms should be sterile filtered with the chemical compatibility of the filter and disinfectant taken into consideration. Cobetter has completed chemical compatibility validations for different types of disinfectants.
Chlorine Disinfectant: 84 Disinfectants, Chlorine Dioxide, and Sodium Hypochlorite
Peroxide Disinfectant: Hydrogen Peroxide, Peracetic Acid, and Acetic Acid
Aldehydes Disinfectant: Methanol, Glutaraldehyde
Phenolic Disinfectant: Phenol, Cresol Soap
Alcohol Disinfectant: Ethyl Alcohol, Isopropyl
QAC Disinfectant: Bromo-geramine
Iodine Disinfectant: Iodine
Biguanide Disinfectant: Chlorhexidine (chlorobenzene metformin hexane)
Heterocyclic Gas Disinfectant: Ethylene Oxide
Others: Potassium Permanganate